In our 2012 Malama I Ke Kai Community Action Plan (PDF), The Kipahulu Ohana prioritized limu (Hawaiian seaweed) as part of it's Ocean goal: "Inā mālama ‘oe i ke kai, mālama no ke kai ia ‘oe. If you care for the ocean, the ocean will care for you" with the following  objective: Actively maintain healthy native limu abundance on shoreline at current levels.

Limu has important ecological, nutritional and cultural values. The limu serves as food and shelter for herbivorous fish and are the foundation of the food chain. Limu is rich in minerals and other nutrients and is served in many Hawaiian dishes, like poke. Some limu are used medicinally, and others are considered highly sacred and are used ceremonially, and have ancient stories around them.

The Kipahulu Ohana conducts limu education and propagation activities, and supports and participates in the annual Hāna Limu Festivalwith limu planting demonstrations and education about our makai efforts and Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area designation application. We are part of the Limu Hui.

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